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Computer Network Installation

Computer network installation has become an essential prerequisite for any efficient modern-day business as it allows employees to truly work as a team by sharing information, accessing the same database and staying in touch constantly. For a computer network to give the best results, a lot of detailed planning and foresight is required before installation. Firstly, an organization needs to clearly define its requirements ? how many people would use the network, how many would use it locally (within the office) and how many might require remote access (from a different location), how many computers and other devices (servers, printers, scanners) would be connected to the network, what are the needs of the various departments and who would be in charge of running/managing the network. It also helps if one can anticipate the direction the company would take in the near future so potential growth can be factored in during computer network installation. The technology issues should also be ironed out in advance ? hardware, software, servers, switches, back-up devices, cables and network operating systems.

Make sure you have the required licenses to run the software on all your machines before installing a computer network. Alongside computer network installation should proceed the building of a dedicated technical support staff, either within your own organization or outside consultants? Delegate responsibility clearly for network management. Before installing the network, you also need to choose the security mechanism to protect corporate data and keep viruses at bay. The transition to a new or upgraded computer network can bring some teething problems. To minimize chances of confusion, the company might need to train its staff to make them familiar with the new system.

Careful planning will to a large extent prevent crises like system downtime and network crashes.

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